i love the beach! (aka introducing mindtouch, da team)
We had a company picnic last Saturday at La Jolla. Man, was it BEEAAAUUTIFUL! I noticed Aaron posted a few pictures online, so I'll repost them again here so you can get a VISUAL idea of what our team looks like:
That's Damien; he's our wonderful graphics designer. I have to get contacts so I can wear cool shades like him. I'd wear my shades all the time, cause the sun never sets on being badass! Hahahahaha. Nice.
This is Max. He is an evil Russian landowner. I like this picture because it makes him seem like a giant, compared to that little boy.
Corey and Pat, who are respon$ible for bringing the b$ing b$ing home.
Brigette and Steve, husband and wife (Ken always pokes fun of them by banning "interoffice fraternization", roffles). This is Ken:
Sofia, our office manager (she snuck up on Aaron and shot him with his own toy gun today ... it was friggin' great. It scared the bejesus out of him cause the gun almost scalped him).
There are no pics of Aaron from the party! So I'll steal another one of him and his adorable daughter, Ashby:
Of course, this wouldn't quite be my journal if I didn't plaster it with pictures of myself: (I have very few pictures where I'm actually smiling forreal - I think this could be like one of only a few out there!). I look like Smeagol after finding the ring, but that's fine!!!!
The whole MindTouch team of 2007 (minus the Russian team):
(Because Pete is in MN, I had to expertly photoshop him into our group shot; see if you can figure out which one he is)
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everyone looks so happy! except that corey guy, he looks kinda mad.

PeteE (guest)


wish you could just go enjoy the hell out of SD.