So I've been going back and forth about writing a 2008 election post. I think if you're an old reader, it's pretty clear where I stand on a lot of issues. If you're not an old reader (or if you've forgotten where I stand), it's probably good you don't know. Less words I have to eat later on when I'm proven horribly wrong.
All I'll say is this: I think the biggest threat to our country is the overreaching powers of the executive branch. Bush has continuously abused the executive branch to the point that there doesn't seem to be much in checks and balances anymore. To me, any type of leader who has any type of authoritarian type views is no good. Whoever gets elected next needs to make a concerted effort to reduce the power of the executive branch. Whether that's wholly possible, I don't know.
I also (finally) registered to vote! I know, I'm like 5 years late, but whatever. I registered as Republican, so when I end up voting for some fringe candidate it'll make it seem like the Republican party is "torn." That'll be great. It will also hopefully annoy Aaron, cause he hates Republicans. Hah!
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it'll be the greatest april fools day joke ever pulled on the middle east..
or ourselves...