ho hum
i'm onto the little tricks at my doctor's office. they called me rather urgently (the nurse who called definitely had a sense of now-now-now) asking me to come back to the office for additional blood work. the nurse made some excuse about seeing "way excessive potassium" in my blood ... but i was pretty sure they had actually discovered that my blood indicated some sort of genetic mutation which would allow me to scale walls ... or maybe my bones were secretly made of a new indestructable metal ... called adamantium...
just kidding.
seriously though, they did call about excessive potassium. and the nurse did sound rather alarmed. so i walked over to the office where they took more blood. what sort of sucked was while i was there, the nurse was whispering to the lab tech. if there's one thing you don't want to see, it's a nurse whispering to a lab tech while you're sitting 3 feet away. you also don't want to hear her say, "the doctors says he needs these results STAT."
of course, curiosity started getting the better of me, so i came back to the office and googled "high potassium." dear lord.
Of course, wikipedia has an entry on it. reading that thing is pretty scary, especially if i went to the doctor's in the first place because of i was having trouble breathing over the past week (please, save the "you're too stupid to remember to breathe" jokes).
man, i was STRESSED for those two hours while i was waiting for test results. it's not so much the sickness that bugged me, but the fact that i wasn't feeling so invincible anymore. i'm in my physical prime right now, how crappy would it be to get something like "high potassium?"
anyways, the nurse called me up later and said my second test came out normal. phew. maybe i'll go jump off a few buildings now, i feel so healthy...
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oh btw, love the new icon. it's got sexy written all over it.

Roebot (guest)


BTW, read your comment on holding doors open. I'll just say, "Welcome to the coast where men outnumber women."

