Yesterday, I decided to grab some quick grub at Rubio's for lunch. I was approaching the front door when out of the corner of my eye I saw a hot girl.
In days past, I would have made a quick glance to "check her out." Unfortunately, Californian girls (maybe it's just SD) all look the same: super toned and tanned bodies, super short shorts (the ones that look comfortable yet still manage to hug the ass), a white tank top (with strategically positioned fruity-colored bra straps showing), huge dark housefly-like sunglasses, sandals, jabbering away on a cell phone. I mean, the only difference really is whether they're a blond or a brunette ... I feel like there are only 5 girls in California, and they follow me around every where I go just to keep reappearing in my line of sight. California, the land of mass-produced "hotness." Sighmuffins.
Anyways, I digress. So anytime I see a person in my peripheral vision approaching the door, I need to time my arrival so I can know whether to open the door or not. Big families: no. Single people: yes. Couples: no (let the guy open the door for the girl). You get the idea.
Anyways, I notice it's a single girl, so my immediate reaction is to open the door for her. No problem.
So I'm opening the door, and this sashays right past me, without losing a step in her stride. She just zips in.She mutters a "thanks" as she walks past.
I'm taken aback. There was no stutter-step. No hesitation... no "Oh, are you opening the door for me? ME? Why thank you!" (all unspoken, of course)
I honestly cannot remember a person who I've held a door open to who seemed to expect it. I mean, yeah she's hot, but come on! A hesitation! A stutter step! Don't make it seem like the world opens all its doors to you (even if it does).
Man, I should have just stopped at the door. She would run right smack into that thing, given her walking speed.
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