May 15, 2007
I can't believe, this day in age, unions still have so much power. Are there any industries out there that are heavily unionized which are actually succeeding in the US? Airlines, automobile, steel... they all seem to be failing. How do companies like Arcelor-Mittal deal with labor unions? Anybody know?
Another random question: Are there any recent industries which are unionized? I know almost no profession in the tech industry is unionized... I wonder why this is ...
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BrianR (guest)

I think we'll see more programmers and other web workers unionize in the future. Mainly because our services are becoming commoditized. Also when you can hire a programmer from another country and pay them a third less than the person in your city.... workers tend to resent that.
Employers can work to create better working conditions for programmers by giving them flex time, letting them work at home, feeding them, providing good health care, etc. (Basically what Google is doing.) Now start ups and small companies have to find ways to do the same.
I think much of our negative impression of unions is due to a concerted effort by big business to demonize organizing. Unions as you may know them are only part of the picture. We have media to thank for the negative and ignorant picture of unions.


stock is doing well =)

I've heard that at some point in the 90s, people wanted to unionize Msft... :P I don't know how well that would work. My friends are unionized programmers (they work in a privatized ex-gov't org) and they think its cumbersome for career growth.

Matt (guest)

i don't know the history of unions and how they emerged. but i'm guessing they started when the employer could cut pays and benefits because there was always another guy who'd do the job for cheaper: supply > demand.