March 21, 2007
I was chilling on the couch, reading a book, when there was a little tap-tap at the door. I don't have any friends, so I was a bit apprehensive about opening the door...
As soon I open this door, this girl tries to walk in. A smokin' hottie, too! Of course, I'm somewhat confused (hot girl? Roy? huh?), so I'm just sorta frozen there. Unfortunately, she meant to go over to my next door neighbor's place ... rats.
My neighbor, she sure has hot friends... perhaps it's time they meet my acquaintance!!!
... and that is my exciting story of the day. A hot girl *almost* entered my loft. Oh bugger... I need to get a life (forreal).
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haha :D dude, are you coming into town this weekend?!?!

lillia (guest)


