March 10, 2007
ask out loud
Wiki software sucks right now. What features do you want in a wiki consumer site?
The big things for me (and ironically, none of these will be available in MT's product @launch):
- OpenID single login
- Exportability of data (unfortunately the lack of standardized formats make this hard
- API on my wiki instance (who wants to try to import content into a wiki using a lame webform?)
I'm a bit vague on the features ... I sometimes feel I've been stuck in the same "wiki feature set" mentality for far too long :)
I need to get back up ASAP, (man, I would have *loved* to build a Hansbrough/Henderson swarmf, oh well) because I'd like to see some mixture of Swarmf's functionality in a wiki ... sorta hard to explain right now, though.
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