February 19, 2007
i'm so awesome
I'm sure you know already, but I have zero game when it comes to girls. Zip. Nada. So you should be as surprised as me that I got a girls' digits tonight. Yes! Me! I got a girl's digits!!!!!!!!!!!! First time ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course... this happened moments after she rammed her car into mine but it still counts! I got her digits!
Sad fact #1: My car made it two months without getting screwed up
Sad fact #2: I actually thought to myself, "Wow I have something to write about in my Tabulas!" as I took the bus back after dropping off my car...
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and question, perhaps the most important question in life. is she doable? does she possess the physial characteristics of someone who is capable of being done by you?

uiyeon (guest)

lillia (guest)
and tell her that you wished to give her the estimate on the car or, let you buy her dinner. if she asks for the estimate, eh. if she takes the dinner, then take her out and depending on how it goes, still give her the estimate. if it goes well, well... she's still bound by law to pay up so, make her pay but... who knows what'll happen?!