Sunday night update
On one hand, I feel like I've been in SD forever. But it's really only been 3 weeks. Wow.
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Where does all the time go? Seriously, the weekdays fly by so fast now ... the weekends are equally hard to track down
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Pam the receptionist from The Office is my ideal woman. If you've ever said to somebody you know, "You're JUST like Pam from that TV show, the Office", shoot them MY way (bwahah)
Speaking of The Office, I watched the original BBC version of The Office a long time ago and I have to say I prefer the American version. But they're really not the same show: The Beeb version was much more comedy-driven, while the American version has a bit more (subtle) drama associated with it - it has that formulaic "girl and guy who everyone knows is perfect for each other but refuse to admit to each other" that worked so well for Friends...
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I didn't watch the "Big Game" because I frankly could not stand either the Colts or the Bears winning. I'm not sure why I have such animosity towards Peyton Manning, because I really have no reason to.
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Why do websites that have "Security Questions" always have questions that I don't know the answers to? I just logged into Facebook and it gave me this prompt:
The problem is my Mom spells her maiden name in two ways, and I always mix up the two when I answer that question (as I've found out), so I try to avoid that. Besides that one, I could probably only answer "Who was my first kiss" question, which is *actually* a bit ambiguous because I forget the name of the kindergarten girl who kissed me... (I was in K too at the time, you pervs)
Is it too much to allow users to input their own security question?
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Yes, NC State beat Carolina. Good for you, bert.
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I went with Tim to a local casino to play in my first (live) poker tournament here in Cali. It had the most ridiculous blind structure EVER (even worse than Hold 'Em for Hunger).
We started with 3,000 chips at 25/50 blinds (not bad). The blinds were raised every 15 minutes, and they went like this:
- Level 1: 25/50
- Level 2: 50/100
- Level 3: 100/200
- Level 4: 200/400
- Level 5: 500/1000
- Level 6: 1000/2000
- Level 7: 2000/4000
The first few levels were fine, but in 3 levels we went up from 200/400 to 2000/4000. Wow.
I mean, it was hard to find ANYBODY with more than 5xBB at level 7. Needless to say, I busted out in the seventh level after playing a hand questionably (ducks in mid-position against a forced all-in with players left to act behind me) and getting crippled.
But I had fun. So I'll probably be back there.
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hansborough played well though =)


And we know we are the best.
A hand behind our back,
We can take on all the rest.
Go to hell, Carolina!
Devils and Deacs stand in line.
The Red and White from N.C. State.
Go State!