Answer to that last post: it's a jail. Right in the heart of downtown. Imagine the sales pitch when they convert those to condos..
I crashed at Tim's place last night, because I still have no TV (or cable) and I wanted to catch the Carolina/'Zona game. WOW. What a blowout. This is twice the season when we've blown out a pseudo-top 25 team (Kentucky was the first one) on what was supposed to be a highly contested game. I fear more for our ACC games ...
Anyways, I came back a little while ago and I'm getting to chill in my loft during the daytime for the first time in a while (I guess this is normal, I'm just not used to it) since I usually spend most of my daytime in the office. I heard some ruckus outside, and I walked over to see a parade of anti-war protesters walking up 5th and to Broadway ...
Pretty cool location. I'm enjoying this loft immensely - the bad parking situation isn't actually bothering me too much - it's actually encouraging me to drive a lot less. I did well.
Another excellent thing ... the weather. My god. I leave my 4 windows open ALL day EVERy day; it's been sunny and GORGEOUS every day. I'm going to have a hard time living anywhere else with this beautiful weather.
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And I'm glad you're liking San Diego so far. :]


