san diego, in pictures
(All pictures from my cellphone, thus the lower quality)
San Diego at night: (this is the view from my boss' place)
Taken moments after entering my new loft for the first time:
Facing back:
Unfortunately, I had to sleep on the floor the first few nights:
Fortunately, after a couple of nights, my convertible sofa were delivered:
A few days after that, the moving company... which created a mess:
This will be the entertainment section, complete with the FUNTONTM, that will face my new TV (whenever it decides to arrive)
Still needs a bunch of cleaning, but I'm happy with the layout. The best thing is, my work desk is within rolling distance (in my office chair, of course) to the refridgerator. YESSSSSS ...
I pretty much got the whole thing furnished as I wanted. Very utilitarian and functional. The only thing I *might* be missing is a stand-alone kitchen island table (there's one at IKEA for $200 I think) because my kitchen counter top is too tiny to cook and store appliances.
One of these days, I'll actually go out and *explore* San Diego. And when that happens, I'll post some pictures of the actual city.
Oh yeah, one final picture:
Oh yeah.
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in n out has the best burgers i've ever tasted. the only thing that comes close here on the east coast is backyard burger.
lillia (guest)





BrianR (guest)

Ben (guest)



Your loft is looking very nice.
