day 2: middle of the road ramblings
Today was the first full day at the office. Technically, if you count the day when I worked from the office when I visited SD, this would be the second day. Eh, whatever. Nominally: first day in the office!
Reaction: OK, so this is what working with "co-workers" is like. Collaboration is great, but if I get in one of my moods, I can easily see how I could be a negative Nancy. It's also hard to really focus - I may need to see for days when I need to do a lot of dev if I can escape home to get stuff done.
Got in around 845am (the 5 minute walk to work was FANTASTIC!) and left around 7pm-ish. Not bad for the first day. I was gonna split earlier and grab some grub with my co-workers, but I ended up staying back to talk some things out with the Steve and Ken.
I discovered a CHEAP Chinese restaurant RIGHT in front of my loft ... they have $1.39 lo-mein. $1.39 LO-MEIN!!!!! I feel as if I'm going to be a VIP there - they treated me very well today (the lady gave me noticeably extra food, and she was extra nice with the sauces) so this will be my first official San Diego "regular" eateries (sad, I know).
In any case, I got the food for take-out and brought it back to my loft.
There's a certain comfort in coming back home and having nothing to do; I don't even have a couch to chill on, or lights to really light up the room (I'm using the lights above my kitchen sink as the sole source of light).
I just went over by the window, looked out into the city, and ate my Chinese food (beef + broccoli + fried rice + extra lo-mein + medium coke = $4.95!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) while just letting my brain veg out.
I feel as if there's a certain romanticism associated with this Spartan-type lifestyle: me, my sleeping bag, my clothes littered on top of my luggage bag, 3 laptops scattered on the bare concrete floor (plugged into the outlets), all illuminated from the kitchen light. I feel like a monk, trying to achieve enlightenment by depriving myself of comforts and distractions (except this free internet which I'm temporarily mooching off of until Cox gets over here and sets me up).
Alas, once the movers get here, it won't be the same ... but for now I'm enjoying the bare minimalism.
My story in SD starts with a sleeping bag and a concrete floor. I wonder where it goes from here...
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PM5K (guest)

PM5K (guest)
At the nail salon they always give her extra services and tell her they won't be charging her for it.
They do the same thing at restaurants as well...

And as for 20 degrees.. bwahaha! Our HIGH today was at 20. :P
michinnam (guest)
Listen to HK1997...ever since i told the lady at golden coast that i'm korean (she kept talking to me in chinese!) she hasn't been half as nice!

