life in san diego, day 1
Day 1: I "moved" into my loft yesterday. Unfortunately, I've caught San Diego in its "record" cold spell (it's hitting the 20s at night, which is pretty normal in NC). Fortunately, I'm built for the cold, and even though my thermostat doesn't work, I managed to keep pretty warm last night in my sleeping bag.
Being that I live in a loft, the ground is actually hard concrete, so it's a bit uncomfortable to sleep at night. I keep waking up in the middle of the night, not being able to feel my right (or left) arm, as I've found that I've slept on it for a while.
I also forgot to pack a pillow (can you see how well-prepared I am for this?) so I've used a combination of a pillow and sweatshirt as a pillow underneath my sleeping bag (I did pack this as well as a LOT of TP, since my car won't get here until Lord-knows-when).
I called the moving company, and it seems they've pushed back the arrival date to January 23rd. Greaattt. Luckily, I had enough foresight to order furniture online and have it delivered, so I'll have a convertible sofa to sleep on tomorrow.
Pictures forthcoming...
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and a loft, such a bachelor's pad!



At least the local football team is good. No, wait...


Visiting relatives in California, though, I remember nights where it was hard to fall asleep because it was so hot, and California nights are supposedly "cold." Blargh.
But to me, Roy, you're living the life. It's always been a dream of mine to move out of ND and someplace much larger.. Without snow.
Hope things turn ut for the best.

In any case, aren't you still in high school or something? Don't you have tons of time to move???

That, and I'd like to attend a college in California.
lillia (guest)

i hope your law studiez are going welllll! :)
yeah, i can't wait to get my phone card adaptor so i can post pictures ... it will be a great transformation (i hope)!

Have fun settling in. :]
How long are you going to be living in San Diego?

dunno how long i'm gonna be living in sd ... taking things year by year :)

It is chilly right now... we've had "blizzard conditions" in Seattle (meaning 1" of snow on the ground) for the last week.


