jay bilas
I saw the funniest commercial ... here's the premise:
Jay Bilas is standing in a cafeteria line and asks the lunch lady for some chocolate pudding. She stares at him and remarks that she doesn't have any, but the camera angle clearly shows a bunch of pudding. After Jay sits down, this girl walks by and "accidentally" smacks him in the head with her bag. Another girl runs into his chair and almost spills food. Then this guy who is sitting behind Jay Bilas slides his chair real hard and hits him in the back. He stands up (frustrated) and goes, "What is WITH these people?" Hubert Davis then mutters, "I don't know, Duke-Boy." The camera zooms out and you see Bilas is sitting at a UNC cafeteria (with somebody's head who resembles Roy's head in the foreground...).
Hilarious. I need to get it on YouTube or something...
. . .
UPDATE: Jeff Greenspan wrote this commercial (he commented below!) ... let me say, sir, you are my hero! His blog his here, and he posted the link to the commercial in the comment below. You can also view the commercial that's been uploaded to YouTube:
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jeff (guest)
I wrote the spot you are talking about. Glad to see you like it. You can find a copy of it at:
<a href="http://www.jeffgreenspan.com/dukeboy.mov">www.jeffgreenspan.com/dukeboy.mov</a>
Take care.
