on collecting
Maybe it's the hunter-gatherer part of me, but I love collecting things. When I was younger, it started off with Marvel cards. Then sports cards. Then Magic cards. Over the past two years, I've collected DVDs (I've got roughly a 500 DVD collection, it's pretty pathetic). Recently, I've started collecting prints. I love prints.
AllPosters.com is having a "huge sale" on items (so instead of being charged an exorbitant amount for posters, you'll be getting charged a lot; I decided to load up on some more posters/art prints for my new collection (I also got a 20% coupon code that you might be able to use: 64P20)
I got a few cool-looking prints last night:
"The Knight, Death and The Devil" by Albrecht Durer
"Apple Tree with Red Fruit" by Paul Ranson
"Great Woods III" by Mary Calkin
I realized last night, looking through posters, that my favorite styles are the war propaganda posters. It all started with this one:
"Madrid, November 7, 1936" (by unknown)
I've always been a fan of the Communist posters from Soviet Russia (I haven't bought this one yet):
"Lenin Lived, Lenin Is Alive, Lenin Will Live" by Victor Ivanov
WWII poster about Germany:
"He's Watching You"
"Helpt" by Jan Lavies
I found an Argentinian print dealer on eBay selling copies of old Spanish Civil War prints ... and I picked up a couple more:
Now to find some cheap Michael's frames...
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