living ain't easy
The first big snafu in my move: parking. I didn't know parking would be so hard to find in downtown San Diego. I also didn't know it'd be so pricey - when I was looking around, people said it'd be $125 - $160. That seems to be the going rate of a surface lot for business hours (6am - 6pm M-F)... which doesn't cover night parking?!
After calling around all morning to all the parking companies (the universal truth about these companies is that none of them have accurate websites ...), I've got two choices: park for $50/month at PETCO park (like a mile from my loft), but have to move it for Padres home games and PETCO special events. I finally found a garage for $250 that's a block down from my loft that's 24-hour monthly parking.. but $250/month for PARKING? No thanks.
At this point, I think I may do the PETCO parking for the first few months (before baseball season really kicks in) while I try to find some parking in-person (doing it over the phone is so difficult, on two separate occasions I called a company I had already talked to - and the chick on the other side was always like, "Didn't you call earlier?" Oops).
... flushing money down the drain ...
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