What's great about the Internet age is the power that people like me have. In the medieval days, I'd probably be resigned to a life of shoveling horse manure or serving as palace cleaner in the tyrannical court of the prince Moons (who would finance great works in honor of their Gentlemanliness with high taxes and a lot of slave labor). My rantings about my awesome horse Taurus or my favorite baskmoonball (by an official decree in Moonland, all sports must contain the word 'moon') team would go largely ignored.
But today ... today I have power. Look at you! You know that this post will not enlighten you in any way, but you continue to read. Your eyes cannot pull away; your mouse wheel cannot scroll down. As long as the paragraphs are short and you don't feel like you're reading a novel, you will read.
For example, I am going to tell you a story of absolutely no consequence, and you will read it. In fact, you'll probably make a joke about it the next time you see me. And then, I will feel a warm glow deep inside of me. The warm glow of knowing that I've wasted time for humanity.
Our generation's greatest cultural achievement will be nothing. We will be living in the (generally) most peaceful, most technologically advanced, richest world in history ... and will have accomplished nothing.
Anyways, the story.
Last week, I went to the Korean grocery store. Since I'm always trying to grow and change, I decided that it'd be a good time to buy some different ramen brands. Take a trip on the wild side with something NEW ... no more chapaghetti or sutah ramen... let's try something else! I was pretty stoked when I picked up 5 brands which looked interesting. I bought them with my hard-earned cash and brought them home.
I remember last night when I started getting the munchies that I had a new ramen stash, so I happily meandered downstairs to cook me some foodies. But, for some reason ... I can only find two packages. Where were the other 3???????????????????? I look over by the sink... and there it is ... an opened ramen package... my ramen package.
NOT AGAIN! THOSE VULTURES! I shook my fist and set upon them the curse of ramen-stealers.
(Now a quick backstory. There's been a Korean high school student who lives here since last year to attend school in the States. After my sister left for UNC, another girl also moved in. So I live with these two Korean girls, who are pretty quiet and keep to themselves, except they KEEP doing stupid crap that piss me off, remember the little war I had with the girl over Internet access????)
So I guess those little Korean princesses decided that stealing MY stash would be excellent! GRAAAAAAAAA! I took the last ramen package and hid it by the spice cabinet above our stove. I went back to bed, knowing I was victorious. I showed them.
I woke up this morning, and my mom was all like, "Did you hide this ramen package so the girls wouldn't eat it?"
see? a story of absolutely no consequence. and you read it. sucks to you.
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