A few months ago, I got hit by the biggest ice cream craving EVER (Is there a behbeh in my belly???) at like 1 in the morning. On the long-shot that Harris Teeter carried Baskin Robbins' , I drove to Harris Teeter on a mission to get a tub of Rainbow Sherbet. Failure.
A few weeks ago, Han and I met for dinner at Taco Bell (next door to Baskin Robbins). Because I wanted to finish off my delicious 2 soft tacos and 2 crunchy tacos with some ice cream, I walked over to Baskin Robbins prior to the meal to get their closing time. 8pm. Excellent. Han and I finished our meal at 730, and I walked over. Closed. Failure again.
Two weeks ago, I met up with some people at China Buffet for dinner. I wanted to get ice cream again, but I decided against getting it before since it was too warm for the sherbet to remain yummified 'till I got home. Dinner concluded, I drove over to Baskin Robbins. Closed. Rats.
I seriously am going to die if I don't get Baskin Robbins' Rainbow Sherbet in me. Maybe tomorrow I'll take an extended lunch from work, drive over to Baskin Robbins, and buy a few gallons of their Rainbow Sherbet (AND BUY SOME SPRINKLES TOO!!!).
Just watch them not have any. I'd be so pissed.
BY THE WAY, McDonald's (in this area at least) HAS THE MCRIB AGAIN!!! Their stupid "farewell tour" crap from a few months ago was complete BS! What's up with this? It reminds me of that classic 90s song, "Quit playing games with my heart." I love that rubbery junk; it reminds me of eating cafeteria food in middle school. So yummy. You should go try a McRib sandwich from McDonald's if you haven't had it before. It's an experience.


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