proof i'm a replicant
I ran into this CAPTCHA test today:
Are you serious? What the heck does that say ... paledolurt? Paledolum? Seriously? This is how the Internet has progressed??? Frustrating users to no end with stupid tests to prove they're human??? Seriously??????????????
Email and the lack of authenticated SMTP also pisses me off. I wake up in the morning, download 200 emails to my personal email account and find 190 are spam that are picked up by my filter, 4 are emails with a big image (thus defeating the spam filter), and 2 are in a foreign language.
The lack of centralized identity solution also pisses me off (although OpenId is very promising). Instead of me having to fill out my title, first name, last name, email address, home phone, work phone, street, city, state, country, and zip code every time I want to register/buy something, can't i just give the new registration form a URL that tells you who I am?
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