So let me say that I finally understand why Nintendo called their system "Wii." The commercials for the Wii have been fantastic (two Japanese guys going around saying "We (wii) would like to play"). Catch it on YouTube if you can (another great commercial has been Ellen DeGeneres' new American Express commercial with the animals).
Now the one thing I don't understand about the Wii is this hubbub over the 3-dimensional "Wii-mote" which lets you play games in 3 dimensions. For example, if you were playing a tennis game, you would actually have to swing. Or you could bowl ...
Where is the appeal for the gamer? How does acting out the actions add to the gameplay? Am I missing something? I guess I really aren't a gamer if I don't get it.
The PS3, from what I read, is really disappointing. Looks like Microsoft is feeling pretty comfortable with their 360.


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But I know some people whom have just brought a Wii and whom have played it. One guy said yea it did feel kind of lame when actually doing the actions for the Wii Sports games, but once you got into it, it's suppose to be really fun. I guess it's Nintendo's way of adding another dimension to the gaming experience and just giving gamers another way to play the game. Hard to put it into words until you actually play the games.
The Wii has a lot of potential but with the launch games out there right now, I'd rather wait and see what else comes out. Granted there is Zelda:Twilight Princess but I heard it has it's tendencies to dish out N64/Game Cube graphics.
As for the PS3, it could do better and it has potential too. But right now everyone's too busy trying to get a hold of one so they can make money off it on Ebay. And right now, as with most Sony PS releases, there's bugs. It's better to wait a while before picking up the console.



A quote from this article: "You know your product sucks when it gets bashed by the New York Times! I think my brother puts it in perspective the best: 'It’s a Blu-Ray player that also plays games that I can’t play on the Xbox 360'."