Unfortunately, there's been little work. I was pretty wiped after work yesterday, so I only got a small amount of programming done. However, the small amount was the core of the page / item / user libraries, so the important parts are done. The devil's in the details, which takes the most time. I copied some libraries over from Tabulas, and I found them generally inadequate, so I've been rewriting some stuff over, which means I'll have to merge those changes back into the Tabulas branch at some point. Oh, the joys of never being happy with one's work :)

Right now I'm working on creating some graphical views for the site - this is where I usually have the most trouble. Programming is so straight forward - you have a goal, and you know how to get to the end. The method isn't always the same, but you have a clear sense of beginning and end. Not so with design; I always find myself tweaking something to try something new. This continual tweaking leads to productivity paralysis, so I've got to make an effort to not get so caught up in the details today. Today is all about getting the gui up - I've only been testing the code from the command line ("Let me input this data... and it's output correctly here, nice!").

Today's goal: Get the basic design of the site done. Flesh out the details of the URI entrypoints for the site (I'm going to try to keep everything at one URL with multiple GET access points - which smells a lot of frameworkitis.

I also need to design on the way the public view of each page is gonna be done ... originally I wanted to just do a simple reverse chronological view (like a blog), but that doesn't seem powerful enough. Where I'm gravitating more towards is allowing more functionality that will let users basically create the front page of a newspaper. Allow users to move articles around and format everything nicely. I'm leaning towards using three columns and letting users updates in 'boxes.' in those columns. Hmm...

Posted by roy on October 7, 2006 at 12:39 PM in Projects | Add a comment

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