September 1, 2006
The *funniest* (I'm not kidding you) article I've ever read: "Japanese Women Catch the 'Korean Wave'.
Let me give you some AWESOME choice snippets:
"She may just have to take a number and get in line. In recent years, the wild success of male celebrities from South Korea -- sensitive men but totally ripped -- has redefined what Asian women want, from Bangkok to Beijing, from Taipei to Tokyo."
"Even in Shinjuku ni-chome, Tokyo's biggest gay district, niche bars with names such as Seoul Man have sprouted like sprigs of ginseng in a Pusan autumn."
"'South Koreans are so sweet and romantic -- not at all like Japanese guys, who never say "I love you,"' Yoshimura said as she waited for her blind date, a single Korean man, in the 50th-floor bar of a chic Tokyo skyscraper."
"Entertainment industry leaders in Seoul credit the phenomenon to good marketing coupled with an uncanny response throughout Asia to the expressive nature of the South Koreans -- long dubbed the Italians of Asia. A hearty diet and two years of forced military duty, industry leaders and fans insist, have also made young South Korean men among the buffest in Asia. Most important, however, has been the South Korean entertainment industry's perfection of the strong, silent type on screen -- typically rich, kind men with coincidentally striking looks and a tendency to shower women with unconditional love."
One can only hope that this "Korean Kraze" phenomenon starts applying to American-Koreans (Koreans living in America, not children of mixed marriages) now. I would just like to take this moment to tell all the single ladies out there that:
Me, single. Me, Korean. You, me, date. Buy into the hype today!
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uiyeon (guest)



Can you please do something about the tagboard spam? I'm getting about 5 spams/day. Maybe a moderated version where all comments need to be approved first before they appear?


hows about an impromptu trip to japan?
me have have japanese fetish (given the woman's teeth are straight).
i've always thought korean dudes were either extremely callous or overtly effeminate. present company excepted, of course.
but yea, how 'bout that trip to japan?
Ben (guest)