superhero movies
Superman Returns is a solid movie. Runs a bit long at ~2 hours, 40 minutes. I'll save you any plot spoilers, but it's very interesting how they really play Superman as a "savior" who hears everybody's cries. Reminds me of the "Hero with a Thousand Faces."
The Fast and the Furious: Toyko Drift was a nice distracting film. Given the relative crap that's been released in theaters (MI:3, Da Vinci Code), I really can't say I feel ripped off about paying $6.75 (thank god I still have my college ID card). I guess that says something about movies today.
Spider man 3 teaser: watch it, be amazed. There was scattered applause after this showed during the previews of Superman Returns. During the previews! I can't wait. Spiderman has been the only superhero franchise (so far) that hasn't dissappointed. (An aside: Blade and Punisher were quite solid superhero adaptations as well ... and of course, I *love* Batman Begins).
Sony's got a flash-heavy Spiderman 3 site that you can check out, too.
Disclaimer: I'm getting paid to link to the spiderman 3 site
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batman begins was so great...esp christian bale...i have you to thank for introducing him to me in Equilibrium