June 23, 2006
The main www Tabulas server was returning some nasty "disk out of space" errors tonight. This was odd, because the server has about 50GB of hard drive space, and there is no way that space is being taken up (DB is on separate server, all images and files stored on separate servers as well!). The only thing really on this server are the PHP files and some cache files...
Turns out I had left access_logs on Apache on ... after I wiped all the access logs (which were storing information about every visit to Tabulas since 2005!), I went from using 50GB to using 14GB.
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Only solution is monitoring software that check disk spaces levels you can set per drive - and have it page you when these thresholds are exceeded... either that, or get a "music monkee" like they have on Jack FM! ^^
guile (guest)