baby, it don't faaaazzzeeee me!
So what's everybody up to? A brief recap on things happening:
My life has been simplified to the lowest common denominator:
I swear to God, the scientist who figures out how to prolong the "kitteh" stage (kitteh seems to be cuteoverload-speak) of a cat will win the Nobel peace prize. How can you not watch this video and immediately feel your heart puddle into a mushball into your stomach?
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Stock markets: OOOOOOH, how great timing I had to start getting interested in the stock markets. Considering how speculative my portfolio is, it took a beating (and a half). I'm down about 10% (to think, I was up 15% before the market started tanking) at the moment, but I'm feeling allllright.
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I feel very guilty watching these videos (and also linking them), but there's a Japanese comedian named "Hard Gay." He goes around in a tight leather outfit, gyrating his hips at anything (and anybody) and generally gets excited about anything (and everything). Here is a link to a list of translated videos... feel free to watch this one to get an idea of the character. The Ricky Martin hook is perfect.
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Bands/artists I've been digging:
- Tegan and Sara (twins from Canada. Their rockstar appeal makes them immediately HOT HOT HOT)
- Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
- Sia
To mingtian: I've actually been trying to write a Net Neutrality post for a few weeks now (Matt and I traded emails about it eons ago). I've written like three drafts and trashed them. Basically how I feel: Yes, we need some sort of legislation because the telecos basically have segmented their markets into mini-monopolies. However, I'm still not comfortable with the government setting down regulations on the Internet (even if it is just to force equal carrier neutrality). I'm also not comfortable with telecos packet sniffing. The only reason I'm completely not sold on net neutrality is that we're chaining the Internet to what it is right now. Arguably, this is a good thing. But let's be reasonable. There is a limit to how much data we can push through the existing infrastructure. My only concern is how we treat data from higher bandwidth sources in the future (like streaming videos and whatever we invent in the future). There could be a need to tier protocols and applications based on latency requirements ... and to have existing legislation blocking that would be horrible. I can't read the future, so I can't exactly give specific reasons. It's just a feeeling.
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That Hard Gay Video was disturbingly funny. I may have been scarred forever but I don't know yet for sure. T_T I shall get back to you on that. XD
Btw, thanks for the msg Roy. I understand what you're trying to say, but I'm sticking to my guns cause I really think the internet should be on an equal playing field. It's doubtful that any ISP would try to block a site because of business, but I'm really worried about the speed of smaller sites comparatively.