some cultural stuff
x-men 3: the last stand: dissappointing. where were the kickass fight scenes? the haphazard random killing off of random characters was absolutely no fun, either. literally all you saw her do was kill random people. did anybody else think the pyro-iceman showdown was a letdown? what about rogue's whole "ordeal" summarized in about ten speaking lines? ("i hate my life. i have to do it. there, it's done"). i mean, jesus, i think "judge dredd" is a fun movie to watch, but x-men 3 was ... total crap. nothing noteworthy at all about this movie. no gambit, a shitty psylocke, an archangel who just flew around and did one notable deed the whole movie ... ugh ugh UGH!
broken flowers: mediocre, at best. the storyline for those of you who care: bachelor has no meaning in life. bachelor might have a son. bachelor begrudgingly goes on a road trip with women to find out about love and life. he eventually finds out that he wants to have a son. the end.
hard drive: bill gates and the making of the microsoft empire: excellent read. it only covers bill gates' career up until the antitrust case (doesn't even cover win95!) but does a damn good job of painting his career up until then.
confessions of a street addict by james cramer: a fun read. covers james cramer's career as a hedge fund manager as well as his role in starting up
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