safety, kids
Those electric go-carts have deceptively aggressive acceleration. I was trying to take a cool picture when the go-cart lurched forward. I lost my balance, and my mind decided a good place for my left foot to try to gain balance would be on the road. Of course, the cart was moving forward, and my mind didn't quite understand that if my left foot was anchored on the road, leaving my right foot on the electric cart would create an increasing distance between my feet. I'm going to put my Economics major to good use by creating a graph:
As you can see, when I reached the "red line" (the groinal muscle elasticity limit), my right foot decided to abandon the electric cart. This led to me "falling off the go-cart."
Han was quick enough to capture my agony on his camera. I would like you to note the amusement Yush, the driver, is exhibiting in frame 3; I never did forgive him for so intentionally making me hurt my groin. I probably never will. In fact, I may go and delete his Tabulas account RIGHT NOW. Frame 4 clearly shows the new "safety" measure that I undertook to foil Yush's plan on hurting me again: foot on bar. Sometimes foiling evil plans is so simple...
Be careful ... those go-carts have deceptively aggressive acceleration.
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Guest (guest)
andrew (guest)

are you doing those by hand in a program or are you setting up some kind of excel spreadsheet graph?
