Taking Tabulas to the next level
Happy 3rd birthday, Tabulas.
Like a child growing up, Tabulas will soon be going through the ackward adolescence of its virtual existence, where it tries to find its role and purpose on the web.
One of the most common questions I get is: "Why don't you take on VC funding?" There was a short answer ("I don't need it") and a long answer ("I need to be able to control the future of Tabulas, even if it goes against commercial interests. Vested commercial interests don't necessarily jibe with what I want to accomplish with this site in its early stages.").
In a sense, I always approached my role in Tabulas as a craftsman. I wasn't concerned with putting out the most commercially viable site; I was far more interested in appealing to my own standards. I was never too concerned with the number of patron accounts, or the total usage. If 20 people used a site that I considered to be a great quality, I would still consider that site a success. Likewise, 50,000 people using a site that I consider crappy is a failure (and I've written about that before). I wanted to create something beautiful that people would appreciate - I didn't want to immediately be swept up by the rivers of commercialism; I wanted to spend my time in the small pond, relaxing and building something cool.
Well, it's been three years. So much has happened since then (two versions), and a third is on its way. I do see the light at the end of the tunnel in terms of what I want to accomplish with Tabulas in terms of usability, featureset, and maintenance.
So what's next? Unfortunately, I do have to address the commercial aspect of Tabulas, and to that end, I've automated the billing so I don't have to deal with it.
Once Tabulas 3.0 launches, I'll probably be referring to it a lot less as a project and more as "my enterprise" (I still hate using the word 'company'). I'll be more aggressive in marketing the site, promoting it, and trying to deal with cash flow (and generally trying to get a positive cash flow). My main issue now is that I hate promoting a product I think is sub-par, even if that product is mine, so I try not to promote it too heavily. Once I get a level of product out that I feel comfortable with, I'll promote it and commercialize it.
I want Tabulas to live for a while. I've seen it add value to people's lives and in the way we interact - I think I'd be a vastly different person if I didn't have contact with the people I read and interact with on a daily basis on my Tabulas. To everybody who pays and uses Tabulas, I owe it to them to ensure that Tabulas has a strong financial outlook.
So the goal for this upcoming year of Tabulas: Release a product I'm comfortable with promoting, push people to actually pay for it, and treat Tabulas more like a business. I owe it to everybody to make sure Tabulas has a long and healthy future. In general, I see far too many sites that are being release prematurely and being promoted selflessly without a polished featureset - I do not want Tabulas to fall into that category. I want people to look at it and go, "Wow, what a steady and impressive job Roy's done by just trucking through the various iterations of Tabulas, all in the effort of creating a truly valuable product to people."
It's time for Tabulas to grow up.
Do you have any Tabulas stories you'd wish to share? I'd be interested in hearing if Tabulas has had (any) positive impact on your life :)
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It made me a regular blogger and when people started praising me for what I wrote, it made me feel so better.
Thanks to you Roy.

So, you know, I've got that going for me.
Just keep on keeping on, Roy. And if you need money for ramen or something, let me know and I'll paypal ya $5.





middle_aged (guest)

it is so awesome to be able to look over my archives and see how my life has changed, how i have changed. being able to express myself and get my thoughts and feelings out has been tremendously rewarding.
but the thing that has made tabulas such a big part of my life is the community. i have found a hugely supportive circle of "faithful readers" who have given me tons of advice, encouragement and even love. sharing my life with them and sharing theirs has enriched my life. thats so crazy awesome.
and by the way, i am sort of sadly amused that you dont think tabulas is promotionally worthy right now. i think and have always thought that tabulas is heads and shoulders above any of the other personal journal/webhosting platforms that i have seen. LJ, Xanga, Myspace, Blogger - compared to tabulas they all suck! i understand the perfectionist tendency - but please know that as it already is, tabulas is the best!!!
but seriously, I really appreciate it ;-)

Good things tabulas has done for me:
1. It made me improve in my writing, and people can see that.
2. It has made me get through stubborn people.
3. It has kept me sane, and has given purpose to my online life.
Thank you tabulas :)
I can't begin to express how much writing on this site has helped me grow. I like to think that I've been around since the wee stages of development [user #456!!!], and being able to express myself, practice my writing, and learn more about who I am.. all priceless.
I salute you, Roy, and may this year bring you heaps of scantily-clad women and bagels to your doorstep.

chinkychinky (guest)
I've been using Tabulas for like what, 1 year and 9 months? And I must say that your site was able to help me grow up.
Reading my past entries made me realize how in a short span of time, lots of my views about life changed. And my web designing skils improved too! In a desperate attempt to come up with a pretty decent layout.
I almost decided to close down my tabulas after my childhood friend Leonard, { <a href="http://www.tabulas.com/~divisoria/" rel="nofollow">http://www.tabulas.com/~divisoria/</a> } died from a tragic death. He's the one who introduced me to Tabulas, and among so many things that had been a part of my system until now.
Trying to ease the pain of the loss of my friend for almost 11 years, I started reading his entries...again, funny how he seems alive in all of them. He was even able to blog hours before he was murdered.
His site here in Tabulas became our medium to inform his friends whom we don't know about what happened.
Reading Leonard's entries helped me change my mind about closing my site. It also helped me to accept what happened to him.
Wow three years? Congratulations Roy! You're "enterprise" made a huge impact on my life and I'm sure a million others are too!
I hope that your site will continue to touch more souls out there, because it truly made an impact on mine.
More power!
Respectfully yours,
chinkee :roy:
Promise I'll upgrade to a paid account once I get a higher paying job. ;)
