Server downage
Here's a collection of events from the server crash (I've been up for a while now, so this will be terse).
Non-technical version:
Someone (not me) left an unpatched piece of software on the server that Tabulas' database is located at. A hacker got in through there messed things up bad. I had to spend last night setting up a new server and moving Tabulas' DB over there. It was partially my fault (this could have been avoided), and I've learned my lesson.
Technical version:
- Approximately 12 hours ago, the server that the Tabulas database is stored on was hacked. To cut down on costs, I share the server with a mutual acquaintance. He was hosting a friend who was hosting Xoop CMS. Normally this isn't that bad, except the friend had an outdated copy of XML-RPC.php running. This XML-RPC.php had been patched, but apparently my friend's friend didn't take notice.
- Normally, this isn't bad, as PHP can't execute /var/tmp, but this is also a development server, so /var/tmp *was* set as executable. The hackers installed a bunch of backdoors through the XML-RPC exploit from this site (r0nin and kmod and one more which escapes my memory at the moment). Luckily I was able to track down exactly what they were doing:
cd /var/tmp
chmod +x kmod
id;uname -a
locate httpd.conf
cat /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
cd /etc/appliance/apacheconf
cd /apache
cd /etc/httpd/conf/virtual
cat *.* > l.txt
cat sit* > l.txt
cat l.txt
cat l.txt | egrep ServerName
cd /home
cd virtual
cat *.* > ll.txt
cat ll.txt
cat * > ll.txt
echo Simiens Crew 2006 > si.txt
find /home/virtual -name "index.*" -exec cp si.txt {} ;
perl - They basically went through each site and replaced the index.html file. What happened next is a bit fuzzy, but generally the server decided to crap out, completely. So a new order went in last night for a brand spankin' new server (this was on the long-term roadmap, but I decided to move it up since the server was nearly dead already).
- So I asked my hosting company to set up the old hard drive as a slave on the new hard drive so I coudl transfer files. Except... the old hard drive was an EIDE drive, while the new drives were SATA. And apparently they didn't have extra EIDE controllers lying about.
- So they installed it through the CD-ROM channel. My mounting skills are sub-par on Linux, so somehow only the boot partition got mounted ...
- But a little while later, the whole thing was accessible. Then it was just a matter of grabbing the old files, transferring them over to the new server, setting up all the accounts, redirecting all existing *.tabulas sites to use the new database location ...
- And here I am, exhausted and completely stressed out.
I think I'll sleep now.
I've been meaning to write a really long post on the future of Tabulas, and I think this whole experience'll be a good incentive to do so. Expect a post on that after I wake up from sleeping :)
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null0 (guest)
orlandolee (guest)



I have a fear that one day you will decided to sell Tabulas and the new owner will not care as much about it as you do.
Okay, 'nighty 'night Roy!

frankly, i wouldnt what i'd do without tabulas... somehow i find it easier to use than those other blog hosting sites...
u really deserve a lot of time for sleeping!




