One of the things that bother me about RSS aggregators is that there is no way to "push" a deleted entry to a RSS feed. I know some of my friends go through entry deletion binges on Xanga, but on Bloglines, I can still see all of their old entries on their cached RSS feeds, which seems to really defeat the intent of the user who deleted that specific entry. I don't use other RSS aggregators, but I assume that if the RSS aggregator has some sort of local caching mechanism, this would be the expected behaviour.

Because I really don't like this concept, Tabulas has started pushing out blank entries for deleted entries; if the RSS aggregator uses the guid to uniquely identify each entry, then it should update deleted entries with blank text. This should be enough for RSS aggregators to no longer keep old deleted entries on their local cache.

So if you start seeing blank entries in your RSS aggregator, I apologize. I wish there was some mechanism to allow me to force all RSS aggregators to clear out their cache.

Currently listening to: cascada - Miracle (GinoGina Exclusive)
Posted by roy on February 20, 2006 at 07:28 AM in Web Development, Tabulas | Add a comment

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