I am a guy. Guys' wardrobes are relatively straightforward - polo shirts, button down dress shirts, t-shirts, and jeans. The hardest part of our day is determining whether a particular piece of clothing smells a bit too much.
Two of my friends (girls) recently join the YOPpies (young, old people [because we're not really old, but we're out of college, so we're not really "young" (yes, this is tongue-in-cheek)]) by getting their first "real" 9-5 jobs.
What I found amusing was that both of these girls weren't too worried about the job or moving ... they both expressed concerns regarding their wardrobe being too "small."
Now, when I went to Korea, Korean Airlines left my luggage in America... having exactly one change of clothes ... that is a wardrobe problem.
Naturally I inquired how much clothes defined a "wardrobe problem." Two weeks.
Two weeks?!
I'm lucky if I can wear different clothes for a week straight ... much less two weeks. And these two girls aren't what I classify as the type who are overly concerned with looks ... which means there are girls who probably think that having one outfit a day for a month is not enough.
I simply had NO clue how prevalent this phenomena was ... and how much work it is being a girl.
So you professional ladies, much props to you.
(This obviously begs the question, "How does a girl keep track of all the outfits she's worn?" Is there some sort of sorting mechanism for clothes (like "clothes you wear end up on the right side?"). I've asked a few girls about this but have received no satisfactory answers - they all have said, "I just know if I've worn it."
While I'm on a clothes-related entry, I have fallen in love with wearing bathrobes. I bought my first one at Gap three weeks ago ... I then bought an identical one online so I can wear one while I'm washing the other.
I have literally worn that the past three weeks; my mom has started complaining that I am being rude to houseguests when I come down with my hair all mussled, wearing a bathrobe.
But boy is it comfortable.
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the dirty stuff goes into the hamper.. the clean stuff stays in teh closet/drawer. It's a pretty easy concept.



Bathrobes are the greatest. I've used them since I was in my 20's.
