January 19, 2006
I thought one could only get sick from being in contact with people. Seeing as to how I've been locked in my room for the past few weeks, I wonder how I got sick! I've had a sore throat the past few days, and yesterday evening I just felt like total crap.
So I took today off - boy was it nice to sleep in, wake up, make some breakfast, and watch a DVD ("Love and Basketball"). And boy, did it feel good (although my body still feels crappy).
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Spore, molds and fungi
If you have an air conditioned space...they will kill you. I got so sick about three months ago because our airconditioner filter had a fungal growth on it. My mom, brother and I all got really ill from it.

Glad you took the day off (becasue you deserve it) and I hope you're feeling better. But yea your body will continue to feel like crap until you get a proper rest schedule =(
Haha, Love and Basketball that's such an old movie but decent.
littlemissfab (guest)
