crashing in the new year
The first big task of '06 for Tabulas is to get the support network working more smoothly. I've started rewriting the functionality of the administrator's control panel so I can automate upgrading/downgrading/deletions/etc. I spent yesterday and today writing the account deletion functionality, which was a bit nerveracking (one poorly constructed SQL query could wipe oute verything!)... I just tested it and implemented it... and I finally cleared the deletion queue from the last few months. The first step!
Right now, I'm running a program that is deleting all the unverified accounts (~15K) so the usernames will no longer be taken.
In any case, I've really been busting my butt (finally) on Tabulas. Things are starting to look pretty good for me, and I hope to have many news on that Tabulas front for you guys shortly!
For now, I'm going to let this program run so I can go to sleep. Tomorrow, more stuff!
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By the way, Happy New Years.
