the year in review
I cannot believe how much I've grown in the past year. I got a job, I started reading, I launched Tabulas 2.0 (in Jan '05), I transitioned into the post-college life (very lonely!), I learned a lot about people, I quit playing poker semi-professionally, I became closer to the important people in my life, I started a Roth IRA, I abused credit cards, I started drinking, I finally had Five Guys, I went out to Chapel Hill Bloggers Meetups and met interesting people, I celebrated the Tar Heels men's basketball championship team, I went to the North Carolina mountains twice, I graduated college, I failed at launching Tabulas 2.1 mid-year, I restarted work on Audiomatch, I launched Fuunk with Yush and Han, I started writing crappy short stories, I finally decided being single is pretty nice, I experimented with becoming a more social person but ended up turning back to my projects once again, I took an impromptu road trip to New York, Richmond, and Boston, I took a bunch of pictures.
Basically I grew up. Before I wrote this post, I really thought 2005 was a pretty bad year, but now that I look back... all the crap that happened help me grow up as a person... and MAN did a lot happen! I guess 2005 wasn't so bad after all!
Here's to a new start in 2006. My resolutions are pretty vague - be healthy (eating), get my projects done, and meet new people. I'll figure some more specific goals out later (or maybe my resolution will be to figure out the specific goals themselves, lol!)
Happy New Years!
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