what the
Is part of growing up seeing people get hurt and die around you? It seems in the past week alone, two friends-of-friends have died in tragic car accidents, friends of my friend's parents are getting shot... and the absolute worst... my friend (I'll leave him nameless for the time being, because I don't know the etiquette for type of thing, but needless to say I mention him in this journal quite a bit) got into a car accident tonight. I got a call that jolted me out of my ennui... spent most of tonight in the ER at UNC hospital for moral support. Wish I could do more for my buddy... generally tried to find out as much as I could from the nurses (they didn't know much, he was brought in via helicopter so they only knew information regarding his health) and tried to make him feel better and forget the fact that he was banged up. His parents drove in and I acted as the worst translator in human history ... blah. I'm totally exhausted and really feel very confused. I got home about an hour ago, and I've just been listening to some All-American Rejects and thinking about a whole bunch of random crap.
So I've never actually acknowledged what I'm thankful for on Thanksgiving, because I think it's totally lame, but I'm thankful that my buddy is safe, alive and (will be) well. I'm thankful that I have friends that I could rely on if this had happened to me, and I'm thankful that my family and my friends are generally of good health. I'm thankful that I have the opportunity to be frittering my life away writing this entry, and that I have people to care for.
Everything else is gravy.
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