totally out of it
Friends, I went to McDonald's today in hopes of getting Boardwalk (and thus finally fulfilling the American Dream). Unfortunately, the Monopoly promotion ended (boo!)... but I was SO happy to see a big picture of the McRib sandwich above the drive-thru menu.
But ... what was the fancy text underneath it...?
"The Farewell Tour" ?!
(I'm peripherally aware that this is a big publicity stunt by McDonald's, and if it is, I'm going to be quite angry).
According to their website, this is the last time they will offer the delectable McRib sandwich .... how could this happen?! Besides the Big Mac, the McRib sandwich is the best sandwich at McDonald's! In fact, I've always wondered why they only offer McRib sandwiches at random times during the year.
That makes me a sad panda :(
. . .
In another sign that I have far too much stuff occupying my little brain, I've lost the root password to one of my servers. Oops.
I also misplaced my password cheat sheet I used to carry around in my wallet. Double oops.
One of my biggest fears is waking up and forgetting the 6 or 7 random passwords I use for my servers, so I have them written down. And I keep it in my wallet. I'm sure this is a security problem of sorts.
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Of course, the first and most visible card in her rolodex is "A" for "Alarm codes", but that's another matter...

