This is the first weekend that I can remember where I wasn't doing anything with other people. A real day to just chill out, think about nothing, and do what I want. So here are the things I got done today (in true blogging style, this post will contain no information of any use to anybody but serves only to further my vanity; I know a few hundred of you will waste a few seconds reading this waste of electrons):
- I woke up at 2pm. I had two BLTs for lunch. They were delicious !
- I bought some bowling shoes and went bowling for three games (by myself). I'm having trouble with my set-up (you know, the steps and release). I always end up misstepping, so I miss the slide.
- I went to the golf range to hit some (golf) balls. Surprisingly, there were only 3 other people out there today, which meant I would only embarass myself in front of a small crowd. The first shot I hit was a gorgeous straight 150 yard+ shot with my 5-iron, but unfortunately I didn't get many good shots after that.
- I got some work done on Fuunk, and started working on something for Tabulas.
- I met up with a bunch of people (not my usual crew) to watch Zorro and waste money at Cheesecake Factory. Zorro was alright. Cheesecake Factory was not-so-good, although I learned a great knock-knock joke. Zorro was much better with the company of people ... I guess I should stop going to see movies by myself all the time :)
Life has been radical (heeelllloooo 1990s slang!). Tomorrow is ONE more day of weekend, which I will hope will be filled with lots of chillaxin' and relaxin' :) First drama-free weekend, please!
I think I'm going to fall asleep now, but there are currently 8 drunk Korean adults downstairs karaoking really loudly. I came in, and nobody noticed (which is surprising seeing as to how the door is right next to where they were karaoking). I was happy to see my dad and mom having a good time - I especially feel bad for my dad cause it's gotta be so lonesome being out in KC by himself.
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