October 18, 2005
life is only as good as the memories we make
I'll be gone until Sunday - I'm taking a long-needed vacation up to the mountains with some friends. It's been a trying few months, but I finally fee l like I'm back on top of everything - this trip will give me some time to reflect on the positives in my life and set the course for the next few months.
There's a high chance (90%+) that I'll be throwing Fuunk into beta stage tonight after work - I gotta go food shopping for the trip after work, but after that I'll bust my chops on Fuunk. So check back later tonight to see what Yush, Han and I had been working on :)
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user (guest)
Disappointed that it's a service for UNC students only. :(


i feel like you need it.

<a href="http://aces.tabulas.com/spaceinthewho/rss.xml" rel="nofollow">http://aces.tabulas.com/spaceinthewho/rss.xml</a>
Doesn't display right, probably because of the double-quote character. I think you need to escape all special characters when you are in XML.
user (guest)
can't wait to see it roy!