radical, dude
Today was f'ing rad. A good day in general. Here goes the list:
- Fuunk is ALMOST ready for beta testing. I don't expect the site to be incredibly popular this calendar year - all I'm looking for is some exposure and and solid user base to expand from next calendar year. I'm so impressed with how fast Yush and Han did their end of the bargain ... I'll write a detailed post about everything that's been happening with Fuunk over the past month shortly.
- Payday (always nice)
- Got stock options from company. They don't vest for a while, but still... radical... I'm officially a real partial owner of a company :)
- Got to see Roy's Boys (UNC Basketball) at Late Night with Roy. Our team is not as good looking as last year's team, but they will still rock :). Tyler Hansborough was a bit dissappointing - he looks really stiff, but he can do some SIIICCCKKK dunks.
- Tomorrow is a packed day of activities
- Sunday is a packed day of activities
- Come Wednesday, I finally get a long-deserved vacation to the beautiful mountains of NC
- Intangibles :)
I heard the most fitting song that just encapsulates the day: Eel's Mr. E's Beautiful Day
The smokestack is spitting black soot into the sunny sky
The load on the road brings a tear to the Indian's eye
The Elephant won't forget what it's like inside his cage
The Ringmaster's Telecaster sings on an empty stageGod damn right it's a beautiful day
The girl with the curls and the sweet big ribbon in her hair
She's crawled out the window 'cause her daddy just don't careGod damn right it's a beautiful day
The clown with the frown driving down to the sidewalk fair
Finger on the trigger I tell you he is quite a scareGod damn right it's a beautiful day
The kids fit their lids when their heads hear that crazy sound
Their neighbour digs the flavour still he's moving to another town
(and i don't believe he'll come back)God damn right it's a beautiful day
And I don't know how you're taking all the shit you see
You don't believe anyone but most of all openly agree
Yeah, so I don't really know what the song means, but the chorus is nice.
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