I love Apple and Steve Jobs
Sure, I diss my Apple Powerbook all the time, but that still doesn't mean I think Apple is an absolutely wonderful company. The iPod has been my trusty music player for a year and a half, and my respect for Steve Jobs went through the roof after reading iCon Steve Jobs : The Greatest Second Act in the History of Business (I have this if anybody wants to borrow it).
Normally I don't bother to reposting fanboy announcements, but FINALLY FINALLY I can buy TV episodes from iTunes! I don't really enjoy watching Lost on TV (I'm usually too busy when it's on, so being able to buy it from iTunes the next day for ONLY $1.99!!!!! is amazing! I always feel guilty about downloading the episode from Bittorent the next day ... and now I can do it legally :)
Woo hoo. Perhaps I won't watch Lost tonight just so I can download it and watch it on iTunes tomorrow :)
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I get my music from AllOfMP3.com for $0.01 per meg. Still looking for a reliable video source, but for now BearShare it is.
Also, noticed <a href="http://fast.info/myspace/">this about myspace recently</a>, I don't know if it actually happened but sal could have been everyones hero here...