ebb and flow
"you're alive. do something. the directive in life, the moral imperative is so uncomplicated. it could be expressed in single words, not complete sentences. it sounds like this: look. listen. choose. act." - barbara hall
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yes. I sometimes wonder if all blogging tools are going the absolutely wrong route by using a "View/Edit" mode; shouldn't we be able to edit where we view? The UI implications for this are staggering - with View/Edit we have some semblance of consistent UI, but if everything becomes editable... well... that gets tricky. You have to really learn how to separate the content from the application (which is tricky with web-based programs).
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Perfect summarization of what Web X.X is: (Web 2.0 is this new term being bandied around by a bunch of bloggers for no apparent reason)
You need something. You build it for yourself, you build it for others. You share it, refine it, and get rewarded for it.
That's every version of Web in my book.
As it should be for all projects.
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Or maybe they're the same people? I have no clue.

Our Hall is sincere seeming, but somewhat disreputable. I swear she's shown up to events more than a little drunk.