Don't tempt fate
I went to bed before midnight last night. I woke up at 830am, getting a nearly solid 9 hours of sleep, which was a great way to start the day (plus it means I got off work ~5pm!). The weather was absolutely GORGEOUS this morning ... which I got to enjoy as I had to go to the post office to send some t-shirts.
An amazing feat: I didn't caught by a SINGLE light going to the post office or back. What was even better? There was not a line at the post office. I seriously thought this was my day ... everything was clicking in perfection.
You feel like you're on top of the world - everything is productive, your day looks so filled with fun activities and you're generally just in a great mood. These days are a rarity for me, so I take them when I can.
Then I made the stupid mistake of thinking to myself, "Man, NOTHING could flatten my mood! It's all so awesome!"
Do not ever do this. Soon afterwards, my sister came home teary-eyed because of some issues with friends at schools (MAN, GIRLS ARE VICIOUS!) ... and that sorta made the day bad. But that wasn't the end of it.
I found out that a close family friend of my parents ... the man and wife were splitting. The man decided he could no longer live with her and just left her. I'm not horribly close to them, but I have a close attachment to them because of how nice they've been to me in the past.
I was absolutely shocked when I heard this.... it shook me up pretty rough. That was when I decided my day had gone to shit - I think there's nothing really worse than hearing about shitty things happening to people who are close to you. If something bad happened to me, I would be ok - just internalize it and focus on the good things - but for people who have absolutely shitty days ... you just can't help feel totally helpless for them. All you can really do is sympathize and pray.
It's been a weird day.
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