October 3, 2005
life stuff
Far too tired to use anything but a list here:
- I've busted out the Hanon book. If you know what this means, good for you. Aiming to Hanon for at least half an hour a day, and then work on a reportoire of sorts for another 30 minutes. We'll see how long my attention span lasts this time.
- I made 짬뽕 (jjambbong) today. Still learning a lot about cooking, but I think I got this dish down. I need to make it again later this week to make sure I know it ... anyone wanna be guinea pigs?
This is 짬뽕 (not mine, taken from some Korean website, mine was not as good looking as this) - Upon the recommendation of Hao and Ed, I've started reading A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole.
- The new project Yush and I are working on is Füüñk (funk with two U's). Yes, it's pink, and yes that's our logo. I've wanted to make a pink-oriented site for quite some time now (just to prove that I can), and the overboard umlauts and ñ are intentional. I'll explain the story later, it's mildly humorous. I also considered going completely overboard and picking Füüñkæ [funky] (which would be the trifecta of letters everyone wants to use but aren't able to), but decided that was a tad too much.
- Yush and I have two weeks left to complete this project. Crunch time.
- An interesting question I've been pondering since last Friday: There are certain ways that women can exhibit maternal traits. These traits, when people encounter them makes people agree, "Ah yes, she's turning into a motherly figure." Are there any characteristics that guys have that make them exhibit paternal instincts?
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Along same lines, I meant to recommend to you Sideways. Hopefully, you saw the movie already (with Sandra Oh). Book is great too - perhaps even alittle better. Nice to find a really good "Man Book" ^^
<a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0312342519/002-1072153-3946453?v=glance&n=283155&n=507846&s=books&v=glance">shortened link</a> [www.amazon.com]
Male Paternal pattern: Child Support Checks?? :P


Confederacy of Dunces is an excellent book. You'll enjoy it.


and paternal instincts? please. men just have to spread their seeds. which seems to be regarded as "insensitive" in today's society. but of course, i keed.


That dish looks good. I see squid, which is one of my favorites.

