September 6, 2005
oh dear lord
Check out the new Tabulas model wearing the NEW Tabulas tshirts!
This is Moonie the Gentleman. Ladies, he is quite single!
. . .
My former roomie Yush is starting an t-shirt business, and I've convinced him to keep a running journal of the experience. He has his first post about the company. This is literally happening as we speak, so I'm excited not only for the future success (or Adam Smith forbid, failure) for his company, but also the fact that we get such a candid look at how the whole process unfolds. :)
Best of luck to Yush and Spike!



Buggered if I know what stage your friend gets the shirts in, however. If he just prints onto pre-fabs then I suppose he'd be out of luck in regards to hemp (from anecdotal evidence).

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