Things I never thought I'd be doing at 230am on a Saturday night after watching the 40 Year Old Virgin: installing a kitchen sink faucet.
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All I wanted was some late night preservative-laden ramen after hacking away on Tabulas for a few hours. So I went downstairs, surprised to find my parents huddled over the kitchen sink/faucet at 130 in the morning. They were apparently trying to install a new kitchen faucet (not a sink as I mistakenly posted last night in my sleep-deprived stated) and were getting quite frustrated.
I guess over six years of usage, the kitchen faucet had built up a deposit of minerals in the water inlets on the faucet, so water pressure was spotty. Of course, this also meant that every single nut and bolt that held that kitchen faucet together was rusted as well. (Maybe the original contractors did a shoddy job, because I'm not sure why the thing was so rusted if all the nuts are properly secured)
It was *not* fun to go under the sink and try to get the old sink separate from the sink. Fortunately my dad purchased this special wrench you're supposed to used under the sink... and after about an hour and a half of MANLY GRUNTING AND TOOL USING, the old sink finally came loose. I did a quick job of installing the new kitchen faucet then went to sleep; connecting all the hoses and thingamajigs would be today's task when I woke up.
Luckily, installation was a breeze compared to the removal of the old faucet. So now I feel very manly.
Very, very manly.
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This is the dawning of the age of aquarius...
I will be re-enacting the ending scene of the 40 Year Old Virgin. I will need topless men to help me re-enact this touching scene.
Boy, I bet that last paragraph is really gonna drive a bunch of you to go see this movie now.
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For some reason, there's been a slew of interesting stuff on Tabulas as of late ... Yush has written two (true!) short stories which are very good. Steph has been writing about her recent travelling experiences. Ed has been writing about the greatness of Chrono Trigger.
Woot. People using Tabulas. Woot.





the movie is crass (if you like that) ... i absolutely loved it. i thought it started stalling just a WEE bit towards the middle and end (as do most good comedies which just pump in way too much in the first half) ... but overall i found it very enjoyable.
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