I'm tired of hearing about gripes about high gasoline prices. Here is the state of affairs in the US:

Note: 4 Quarts = 1 Gallon = 3.78 liters, all drink prices courtesy of Netgrocer since I'm too lazy to go to Harris Teeter.

Edit: For the sake of "simplicity," I'm going to be looking at "premium" brands of each type of liquid. Since buying in bulk definitely makes it cheaper, I'm finding prices of items that are roughly in the 33 oz. range.

Water prices per gallon
Evian costs $7.44/gallon (Source)
Milk prices
EdenSoy organic milk costs $7.72/gallon (Source)
Gasoline prices
I saw something like ~$2.60/gallon for premium locally

So water prices are comparable to milk prices, which are nearly three times the price of gasoline per gallon.


. . .

I used to love SongMeanings, but lately it's really started to suck. The site is slow as ass, and either Google cannot index the site worth a crap of the site's just not being very clear with each lyric page because searching Google for lyrics (example: "songmeanings best of you") is not returning the proper queries. It irks me.

To make things worse, I love to read people's interpretations of songs, but half the comments on SongMeanings are stuff like "omg i love this song! _____ (band name) rules!!!" or "man this song totally reflects how i feel about my ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend." Where is the smart filtering? (ala /.)

And what the hell is up with pagination? I cannot STAND "auto-smart" filters (ala LiveJournal's comments) or pagination in general. Building these types of sites, I understand that pagination is sometimes necessary for extreme boundary cases with too much data to present... but too many systems build it in by default for some ridiculously low number of items (like 10 items). Give me a break.

Lazyweb, create an open-API lyrics site with wiki-style editing of lyrics with a smart filtering commenting system to get rid of stupid ass comments that isn't slow. And isn't filled with advertising. Please.

Posted by roy on August 14, 2005 at 01:19 AM in Ramblings | 9 Comments

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rhodri (guest)

Comment posted on August 17th, 2005 at 07:17 AM
Petrol in london right now is about 96p per litre - that's $6.54 per US gallon. Why doesn't the US motor industry start building more fuel effcient cars/trucks/suvs and then the gripers won't gripe and the air may be a little bit cleaner for the rest of us.
Comment posted on August 17th, 2005 at 08:34 AM
The problem isn't the motor industry - they *do* build fuel efficient cars. The problem is the mentality of many Americans who want to get a "cool" car, irregardless of its gas mileage which is the problem.
Comment posted on August 16th, 2005 at 04:52 PM
go bikes.
Comment posted on August 16th, 2005 at 10:35 AM
Maybe gas is cheap compared to milk, but we don't drink seventeen gallons of milk a week...

Still, gas is cheap compared to the rest of the world...
Comment posted on August 14th, 2005 at 12:27 PM
back in my day, I got gas for free. and the womens flocked to my house demanding my company. but today is the tomorrow of yesterday, and thus the tomorrow of today is as uncertain yesterday's tomorrow.

bottom line: just don't worry about it.
Comment posted on August 14th, 2005 at 09:18 AM
I heard a similar story on CNN the other day and it pops up from time to time. It frustrates me because the comparison, if meant to be serious, are crazy. You burn a gallon of gas, in some cars, driving less than 20 miles, which can take about 20 minutes. You don't drink a gallon of bottled water at that rate, and certainly not a gallon of milk.
The other argument (from the government) is that gas is cheaper now than it was 20 years ago, if you allow for inflation. In other words it has not risen as fast as everything else. While this is true, and maybe gas should be $3.00 a gallon by now, the problem is that catching up all at once, without simultaneously raising salaries, causes havoc. The price of food must rise now because of the cost of delivery and on and on. I'm ok with rising gas prices as long as salaries (for the average poor working class) also rise.
Comment posted on August 14th, 2005 at 02:45 AM
I'm my country, milk is cheaper than gas. :P
Comment posted on August 14th, 2005 at 01:33 AM
SingItWith.Us making a comeback?

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Comment posted on August 14th, 2005 at 11:26 AM
Probably not.