A venti cup of "hell no" please
The oddest thing happened today that seems to reflect Hannah's happenings. Midday today, I got a phone call from a buddy (well, it seems that status is really in doubt now). He called to find out my sister's cell phone number.
Let me put this into a simple context to. The "buddy" is a super-senior in college. My sister is a junior in high school.
Let that sink in for a second. I thought, for sure, this was a joke, so I tried to leave myself some outs by not blowing up then and there.
"Huh? My sister? You kidding?" I ask incredulously.
"Yeah man. I just want to take her out and talk to her. It might not even be dinner... probably just ice cream."
I start feeling a bit flush in the face, wondering if I'm getting Punk'd.
"She doesn't have a cell phone." Let me give him some chance to save face.
"Oh. Really?"
"Yeah, she uses my moms."
"Well, can I have your mom's number?"
Obviously my attempts at ending this discussion aren't working too well. So I decide to come out.
"Why, man?"
I'm honestly not sure what exactly was said the next few minutes, but it was more of me dodging the issue, trying to give him some chance at saving face while he tries to press me about the issue.
Finally I say, "Dude, cause I don't feel comfortable with it. You're in college, she's in high school." Again he reiterates his honorable intentions (Oh, I'm sure...) and the fact it'd probably only be "ice cream."
Finally he says, "Alright man. I respect your opinion." and the conversation finally ends.
I felt like I was suckerpunched in the stomach. Actually, the issue didn't bother me immediately afterwards because it was so ludicrous ... but the more I thought about it, the more it bothered me. A lot.
I thought there were generally a few rules that all guys played by:
- Thou shall not date ex-girlfriends or serious crushes of your friends, unless you have his/her blessings
- Thou shall not date your friend's sister or your sister's friends
Even ASSUMING his intentions WERE honorable (and let me just say that hanging out with him casts much suspicion on that), isn't there something wrong with older college guys hanging out with high school girls? It's not as if it's a freshman college guy hanging out with a senior in high school. No, this is senior college dating a junior in high school. What's amusing is Jennifer and I were talking about this very issue when we went and saw March of the Penguins (which is delightful!) ...
I remember a situation earlier when a few kids from Chapel Hill High wanted to "meet up" with me. I passed on this, because I just didn't feel it was "proper" for me to meet a group of high school girls... over Tabulas.
I know i'm pretty conservative on a lot of issues, and I try to be open-minded towards these things ... but really. I think this is just pushing the line. I mean, obviously the perspective changes once my sister goes off to college and she's free to do what she wants, but until then, I'm not letting any college guys go out on dates with her. And to think, a buddy thought he'd ask me even boggles my mind. I don't worry too much about my sister going off to college - she can handle herself fine. She can handle herself fine now. It's just the sheer audacity of the request that is just irking me right now...
I'm beginning to see how some guys can act like jackasses. Sorry, ladies. Is it just me, or is there something fundamentally wrong here?
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wendswends (guest)


Sure, it may work in one out of a thousand times, but these sorts of things are to be avoided in pretty much every ase. She's not even bloody legal yet, let alone the maturity gap. Dude's got issues if he's reaching that low. MAYBE you could be tolerant if the gap was only a year or two, but five years, sheesh. Forget that.
Though now I wonder, what in God's name gave him the impression that it would be okay to ask for something like that?!
If there was an age gap during "university" in which your sister was in university and that guy was graduating perhaps?

anyway, i completely agree with you. there's a huge difference between a 16/17 year old in hs and 21/22 year old in college. what more is that i can't believe he actually thought it was ok to ask you. you are too nice, i would have told him off right away. ;)

apparently this dude doesn't consider you a friend, because he broke a cardinal rule of friends.
Additionally you should from now on only refer to him as "R" + last name, since clearly he has sunk to pedophile/stalking from a closet status.
with that said.. you should have given him your sisters number eventually, since you know SHE would have a problem with it and just kick his ass.. well.. i KNOW my sister would enjoy that a whole lot more.
But that's a huge arse age difference. remember the story about teh B&N girl roy?


A guy will never go for 'ice cream' or anything else with a girl alone if it wasn't with something more in mind, whatever he can say (sorry yuhoo7 but deep down you know it's true).
I was 15 when I went out with a 19 y.o. guy. Only we were in the same school, same grade (he was in reorientation - don't ask) so I guess it placed proportions differently for me at that time. I was young, I didn't see things like I see them now.
Today, if I had a little sister I would not let a 20ish y.o. dude approach her, even if he was my friend. Just because I feel it's very wrong.
Live and learn.

So it really just depends. And was it really you yuhoo7? lol You've got guts man. I think you both need to cut each other some slack. Friendship is important, neh?

ghost_tree (guest)
My coworker had a crush on one of my students, and I gave him all sorts of crap about it when he tried to get me to hook her up with him. Oh well. I'm an unpleasant ass. Alas.
