I've picked up a totally useless hobby (as I usually do from time to time). I've started golfing.
It's amazing how much I've changed in a year - last year I couldn't give a rats ass about golf ... never watched in on TV, didn't care if people played (although I always think people who played golf were by definition snobs, I mean, really, who has time to go around paying vast sums of money to hit around a little golf ball?), but now that I've started hitting around ... you can watch cognitive dissonance in action!
Seriously though ... today was either the 3rd or 4th time I've been out to the range, and I'm learning real slow. But there were two shots I hit which were absolutely beautiful ... the went about 200-ish yards (Han knows the exact number) and were exactly where I aimed.
Man, when everything comes into place ... your grip, your stance, your swing, and contact with the ball ... the little whoosh clack ... and the ball goes perfectly where you aimed .... it's such a relaxing feeling. A great stress reliever.
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Play as much as you can in NC. You've got some of the cheapest green fees out there.

...hella expensive though