July 10, 2005
Had two cups of coffee at Barnes last night. I'm not a coffee drinker. And.... my body hates me for it. I tried going to sleep for three hours last night!!! Couldn't do it. Damn this weak body of mine. In any case, I'm headed out now to DC to meet a friend ... supposed to meet around noon-ish, so I would have to leave around 8 am anyways ... I figure I can leave now and take a nap at a rest stop along the way.
Damn you, coffee. Damn you for not letting me fall asleep!!!!!
See y'all tomorrow!
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benstar (guest)
also, as i'm asian, we drink tea throughout the day anyways, as well as during dinner, so i spose that has made me super immune to caffeien, which sucks, cuz i pull a lot of over-nighters to finish school assignments.
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)