June 11, 2005
New frontpage
Tabulas.com got a new front page today.
Some notes:
- Implemented the user-hashing mechanism for protecting passwords. It's off by default (need to check that 'high-security' box to activate it)
- Usability: XHTML 1.0 validation, semantic markup (try viewing without the CSS file, still looks fine,
instead ofpx
, bigger fonts for readability, etc. etc. - No more javascript errors popping up left and right (a big problem on the old site)
- Backend rewritten from scratch (again)
- Moving away from the home.tabulas.com subdomain primarily because maintaining multiple subdomains is a bitch (can't share libraries as easily), and also because i think it screws up tabulas' pagerank (not that i'm into that stuff, but it's really frustrating to see non-tabulas related sites come up when i search for 'tabulas')
- New login method - hopefully some of the weird login issues will be resolved ... using sessions on top of cookies, so this should help alleviate stress loads on the server
- Recently updated journals and galleries used to cause a problem with the database server - it was a huge, inefficient SQL ... which was causing a ton of problems on the DB server ... so now I've chunked recently updated entries and galleries into a separate table which is used to generate this data. This means I can also update it every one minute instead of doing it every 12 minutes, and it won't kill the database server in the process!
Um yeah.
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ummm... on the account regestration page, that username checking script doesnt seem to be working properly: it seems to chop off the last letter of the username input textbox.